Midnight Is Approaching To Pass Voting Rights Legislation And To Save American Democracy

Above Image: h/t the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists in a different context. Axios reports, “Midnight is approaching” to pass voting rights protections: “Defenders of democracy in America still have a slim window of opportunity to act. But time is ticking away, and midnight is approaching,” according to more than 150 top scholars of U.S. democracy in … Read more

Sen. Sinema Is The Biggest Obstacle To Voting Rights Legislation

Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.) told “Axios on HBO” that the “integrity of our democracy” is at stake without federal voting rights legislation, and the Senate must seriously consider filibuster reform if it can’t get 60 votes to pass it next year. Rep. Jeffries demands filibuster reform to pass voting rights bill. “It’s an open question … Read more

The Original Gerrymander Salamander

The AZ GOP’s Gerrymander is Underway!

If you are a reader of the Blog for Arizona, you know that Arizona is in the process of redrawing its boundaries for congressional and state legislative districts. The Arizona Independent Redistricting Commission (AIRC) is required to provide a 30-day public comment period. We are in that time window now. The last hearing is currently … Read more

The AZGOP Redistricting Hustle

Today, I attended the virtual public hearing with the AZ Independent Redistricting Commission (AZ IRC), which is accepting public comment on the currently proposed draft maps. I listened to all the speakers, and near the very end, got to share my view with the Commissioners. UPDATE: Larry Bodine created a transcript of the meeting which … Read more

On District Boundaries in the Draft Maps for Yuma

On District Boundaries in the Draft Maps for Yuma

The Draft Maps approved by the Arizona Independent Redistricting Commission (IRC) include boundaries for new congressional and legislative districts that disadvantage all voters in the Yuma and Yuma County area – regardless of their political party. Public input is required to convince the IRC to change them. The IRC is in the process of redrawing … Read more