Democratic Candidate Profiles to consider when voting this month

Dear reader,

Below are the links to the profiles of Democratic Candidates interviewed up until August 21, 2018. Future profiles will be added for study. Please use this valuable resource to help make the best-informed choice when you vote in August either via a mail-in ballot or in person on August 28, 2018. Above all, please do not forget to vote. There are many exceptional Democratic candidates to consider so please take the time to vote for the ones that you feel will best move your local community and the state forward.

Federal elections

Anita Malik hopes to defeat embattled Representative David Schweikert for the Congressional Seat in District Six this November.

Statewide elections

As Governor, Steve Farley Will Fight for Education and Social Justice

Kathy Hoffman: A Progressive Candidate for Arizona Superintendent of Public Instruction

David Schapira, a Progressive Candidate For Arizona Superintendent of Public Instruction

Treasurer Candidate Mark Manoil Seeks to Revitalize Arizona’s Economy Through Community Banks

AG Candidate January Contreras Will Protect Vulnerable Populations

Fully Funding Education is the Top Issue as LD 18 Democrats look to take both State Representative Seats in 2018

Candidate Kiana Sears Brings a Consumer-Focused Approach to the Arizona Corporation Commission

Democrat AZ Mine Inspector Candidate Bill Pierce Will Protect Us from Soil and Water Contamination

Arizona State Senate and House races

Retired Air Force Colonel Hollace Lyon Offers a Consensus-Building Vision as a State Representative In LD11

Pawlik and Weichert Offer a Progressive Problem Solving Vision for LD 17

Dr. Bradley Hughes Calls for a Progressive New Deal Program to LD 21

LD 23 State House Candidate Eric Kurland sees 2018 as a Referendum on Public Education.

Jennifer Samuels looks to Ride the Red For Ed Wave to a State House Seat in LD 15

Lifting All People Up is the Goal of LD 15 State Senate Candidate Kristin Dybvig-Pawleko

Julie Gunnigle pledges to fight corruption as a State Representative for LD 15

Democrat LD 15 House Candidate Tonya MacBeth wants to help dig Arizona out of the hole dug by the policies of Nancy Barto and John Allen

LD 12 Democratic Candidate Joe Bisaccia sees the 2018 Election as “A Campaign about the Future Versus the Preserving the Past.”

Democratic Senate Candidate Elizabeth Brown Will Fully Fund Education

Helping Children is the First Priority for State Senate Candidate and 2016 Arizona Teacher of the Year Christine Marsh.

21 Year Retired Air Force Veteran Master Sergeant and Civic Activist Michelle Harris seeks to turn the LD 13 Senate Seat Blue in November

LD 24 Candidate Denise Link Wants to Find The Middle of the Venn Diagram On Public Policy Issues

Overcoming adversity, LD 24 Candidate Jennifer Longdon has devoted herself to a life of public service based on compassion and human interests.

AZ Senate Candidate Ralph Atchue Advocates for Families and Small Businesses of LD 11

Democratic Candidate Sharon Stinard offers “Service Above Self” for the residents of LD 16.


Local races

As Mayor, Kate Gallego will Make “Make Phoenix a City that Will Work for Everyone.”

A Better Future for Phoenix Drives Daniel Valenzuela in his Quest to Be Mayor

Career Prosecutor Roberta Miller wants to be a Non Partisan Clerk of the Maricopa County Superior Court System


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