Traitors Andy Biggs and Paul Gosar Vote Against Victims of Child Abuse

This report should not be a surprise to all the sane and decent members of the Arizona Political Sphere. January 6 collaborators (traitors) Andy Biggs and Paul Gosar continued their descent into the political pit of loathsomeness with their vote (along with 26 other fringe reactionary depraved individuals) against the Respect for Child Survivors Act, … Read more

The Meadows Texts: Rep. Andy Biggs Schemed To Overturn Arizona Election

Arizona Rep. Andy Biggs, along with fellow Arizona Republican Rep. Paul Gosar, have previously been iimplicated in the January 6 insurrection. A ‘Stop the Steal’ organizer, now banned by Twitter, said three GOP lawmakers helped plan his D.C. rally: “Alexander, who organized the “Stop the Steal” movement, said he hatched the plan — coinciding with Congress’s … Read more

AZ Rep. Andy Biggs To Challenge Kevin McCarthy For Speaker And To Divide The GQP

The former chair of the GQP House Freedom (sic) Caucus – more accurately the GQP House Fascist Caucus – Arizona Rep. Andy Biggs,  implicated in planning the attempted coup on January 6, 2021, Jan. 6 Protest Organizers Say They Participated in ‘Dozens’ of Planning Meetings With Members of Congress and White House Staff, will change … Read more

Traitor Kevin McCarthy Crushes Coup Plotter Andy Biggs For Nomination For House Speaker (Updated)

Traitor Kevin McCarthy may have won the Sedition Party’s nomination for House Speaker, but the vote signals that he is far short of the 218 votes he will need to be elected House Speaker. My Machiavellian advice to Democrats is to withhold your votes or to vote “present,” and let the Sedition Party tear itself apart on … Read more

“Andy Biggs doesn’t Represent the GOP I knew. It’s why I’m Running as an Independent”

This op-ed was first printed in AZ Central on August 29, 2022.  For most of my life, I belonged to a Republican Party that focused on reining in spending, building a strong economy, and creating opportunities for people to succeed. But recent policies, such as separating families at the border and opposition to equal rights – … Read more