The AZGOP Has Become a Death-Spiraling Dumpster Fire: Their Fundraising is a Joke & #HariKari Lake is Their Future?!

It’s not just this liberal progressive blogger calling Kari Lake and the AZGOP a dumpster fire… #HariKari! ‘He just tells it like it is, folks!’ Conservatives with a reasonable eye on the bottom line of actually winning offices – rather than using primaries to just hunt so-called ‘RINOs’ (i.e. real conservatives who won’t go along … Read more

Flopping Like a Fish, Kari Lake Once Again Supports the Total Abortion Ban

Pro-ban: April 27, 2024: Republican US Senate Candidate Kari Lake says ‘unfortunately‘ Arizona isn’t enforcing the 1864 abortion ban, flipping again. Anti-ban: April 11, 2024: Lake says, “This total ban on abortion that the Arizona Supreme Court has ruled on is out of line with where the people of this state are,” in a video … Read more

Gallego Campaign Unleashes New Ad Reminding Voters of Kari Lake’s “Great” Abortion Ban

There is nothing like having a multiple-million-dollar campaign war chest. Just think of the riveting political ads showing the flaws and failings of one’s opponent that such lush campaign resources could produce from now until election day. The Gallego for Arizona Campaign is in that position today. It is showing its political muscles by releasing … Read more

Kari Lake Plays the Victim Even as She Admits She Maliciously Lied About Recorder Stephen Richer and the 2022 Election

#LyingLoserLake just can’t help but shamelessly lie, deflect, play the victim, and smear her political opponents with coded racist slurs. She has filed a motion to default in her defense of Maricopa Recorder Stephen Richer’s defamation lawsuit against her for her provable lies about him and his administration during the 2022 election. In her motion, … Read more

Ruben Gallego Previews his Message Against Kari Lake: Trump, Abortion Rights, and Bidenomics.

Ruben Gallego joined Chris Hayes to talk about his Senate campaign, now focusing solely on messaging to defeat Kari #LyingLoserLake in a head-on contest: We see in this interview the first preview of his basic message against Lake: 1) He will pin Lake mercilessly to the deeply unpopular and flaming orange bonfire of the vanities … Read more