Trump’s Proposed Budget Betrays the American People (UPDATED)

On Monday, February 10, 2020, the Trump Administration released its proposed budget for 2021. If passed, it would launch a New Reactionary Dark Age for the American People by cutting vital programs for the countries most vulnerable and further exploding the national debt. Among the proposals for cuts are: The Children’s Health Insurance Program. (C.H.I.P.) … Read more

The 2016 KKK Endorsed Candidate’s Unnecessary Wall Jeopardizes the Environment and Native American Cultural Sites

Imagine a construction crew excavating the Christian Catacombs under Rome or the grounds under the Dome of the Rock and Western Wall in Jerusalem without consulting with local religious leaders at the Vatican, Israel, or the Arab World? What do you think the reaction would be? That is what the Trump Administration is doing by … Read more

Kathy Hoffman gives the first ever State of Special Education Address

Arizona Superintendent of Public Instruction Kathy Hoffman started a new tradition on February 11, 2020, by giving the first-ever State of Special Education Address before the State Senate Education Committee. Saying the State of Special Education “deserves our immediate and intense focus,” Superintendent Hoffman outlined where the 150,000 Arizona children in Special Education programs need … Read more

Democrats Unveil a State Budget Proposal that Puts Arizona’s People First

Democrats in the State House and Senate released their budget proposal for the 2020/21 fiscal year. It calls for spending approximately 12.5 billion dollars while Governor Ducey proposed just below 12.3 billion in appropriations. The Senate Republicans called for about 12.2 billion and the House suggested funding almost 12.3 billion in expenditures. While the difference … Read more

Deedra Abboud wants to bring Transparency, Accountability, and Accessibility to the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors

When voters last heard from Deedra Abboud, she had just finished her campaign to become the Democratic Party Senate Nominee in 2018. While she did not prevail in that contest, the civil rights and social justice proponent, attorney, and business owner has now joined the race to win the Second District seat on the Maricopa … Read more